Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pedagogical Perspective of Learning

Pedagogical Perspective of Learning David Guile Toni Griffiths present a multi dimensional analysis on the development of work experience by students before their graduation and subsequent absorption to the job market. Contemporary learning theories, new developments in adult learning and education as well as curriculum development theory has been used as a basis to critique the current thinking that underlies work experience learning. Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Pedagogical Perspective of Learning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More What the authors aim to bring out in their analysis is the issue of context as it applies in learning through education. According to them context has been ignored by most models that seek to explain work experience and as a result they recommend a formulation of new curriculum frameworks that acknowledge that work takes many forms and within the wider context of work, students should be engaged fully in theory quest f or acquisition of knowledge, skills and identity. To expound further on the above aim of the paper, the authors analyze different systems of work experience activities that are available to students from various European countries. These activities aim to help students learn and develop vertically as well as horizontally within the many contexts of education and work. The paper does also analyze the different models that explain the approaches used in acquiring work experience. The models also examine the policy changes that have taken place towards the learner, skills acquired, and to the field of pedagogy. The analysis in the paper borders on the critical. Guille and Griffiths argue that the any analysis of work experience must incorporate the different contexts in which the topic of study falls. They also argue that most of the models that are used in this studies approach issues generally hence fail to give a clear picture of what work related studies are and how they are exec uted. The general approach also fails to examine the weaknesses that the system has hence thee programs remain unaltered for their betterment. The authors finally suggest a drastic review of the VET programs to ensure that students gain from them by learning to relate their vertical development to their horizontal development. Theoretical learning that characterizes learning that takes place in the classrooms is vertical. Failure to put in place an elaborate horizontal learning environment that can only be provided by these programs only produces half baked students to the job market. Learning perspective The paper concentrates on the pedagogical perspective of learning. Pedagogy is a teacher-centered approach where the teacher decides what to feed the learner. In pedagogy, the teacher decides the content how it should be done and when. Andragogy on the other hand is mostly suited for adults where learners have a say on what they should and should not be taught. Advertising Looking for report on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In andragogy, the learner is pretty much in control. In the paper, David Guile Toni Griffiths present a learning experience where the students will be absorbed to some sort of apprenticeship in different contexts. The learners will not have much say on what they will learn, rather their host organizations will. Though an andragogical approach may apply to some extent where their views will be sough and possibly some modifications made to their learning program, they will most of the time take what they will be taught. According to Lave and Wenger (1991) as quoted by Guile Griffiths (2001), organizations only need to give students learning through work experience some legitimate peripheral participation in the learning for them to acquire the required knowledge and skills from the experiences others (p. 5). Lack of an explicitly endorsement of an andragogica l approach to the learning of the students by David Guile Toni Griffith is a clear indication that they prefer the mode of learning that is presented in the paper-pedagogy. Further more, Guile Griffith (2001) say that the extent to which the host organization may decide to allow students in apprenticeship to interact with more knowledgeable others depend on the HR departments (p. 5). However, on calling on the review of the way the programs work, the authors are advocating for a change in the approach on the work study programs that include a bigger role for andragogical approaches. They cite a recent EU policy that calls for a reassessment of the relationship between work and education as well as the role of work experiences in academic and vocational programs. The call for the EU review is motivated by the increasingly globalised word with a corporate and civil environment that demands pro-activeness. The review that has been called on by the EU is meant to support life long le arning and it can only be achieved by an andragogical approach to work study experience. Many scholars in the EU and North America however challenge the suggestion that radical measures have to be taken to ensure an andragogical approach to work study programs. Quoting (Miller et al 1991; Stern Wagner 1999a) and (Griffiths et al 1992, Miller Forrest 1996, Stern Wagner 1999a) Guille Griffiths say that the approach is can only be successful to a certain extent. These scholars further adopt only a function view of the success of these programs and the relationship between work and education. Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Pedagogical Perspective of Learning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Though they acknowledge that the working context of work experience are stable environments that these programs may works, their effectiveness and success is greatly hindered by the global economic pressures together with spe edy development of information and communication technology that is fast changing the business environment. The result is the great polarization between those organizations that are knowledge rich and those that are knowledge poor (p. 3). The above position therefore presents a look warm endorsement or andragogy as the mode of learning in the work experience work contexts. Experimental Model The paper presents five models of used in the learning approach taken by students in work experience learning. One of the models is the experimental model. This model seeks front the idea that work experience should be a co-developer just like classroom studies are. It advocates for the learner to be put through experimental learning so that students can be exposed to useful frameworks of understanding about their work. The model gives impetus to the students social and interpersonal development compared to the formal education that he receives. Additionally, the model aims at fulfilling the d esire to equate the value of learning to the practical applications that go along with it as well as ensuring students easily adjust to the dynamic trends of labor (Guile Griffith, 2002). The model is more forceful in its trajectory of student development in the work place. It is also seen as a form of co development of interested parties i.e. the student and the host organization as the employee and employer respectively. The model advocates for the development of education partnership between the learning institutions and the potential employers in the respective fields where the learner fits. Barriers An in-depth look that is presented in the paper has one major weakness. It can only be used to identify and classify a learner as a converger, diverger, assimilator, or accommodator. Advertising Looking for report on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Furthermore, it can fail to identify a learner in one of the above classes potentially injuring a learner’s reputation and through the internship reports. This is more likely in situations where the learner may not be placed in the right department owing to the stringent processes that will be required to select them from their learning institutions, which most of the time do not take place. The only way to avoid a scenario like the above is only to use the model sparingly without giving much emphasis to an extent it will normally determine if a learner is fit and ready for the job market. Another weakness of the experimental learning model is the failure to develop the learner. Kolb himself is on record to have said that experimental models including his own as other such as Honey and Mumford and Junch are all about learning and little about development. According to Kolb, the limitations of his learning cycle are brought because the model represents only elementary learni ng orientations. These orientations will in the long rum accustom a learner to apply the practical skill that he leant across the board without much consideration of the field of practice. Again, the model is not all incorporating nor doest it acknowledge the importance of self reflection instead it aims at feeding the learner with practical with little regard to personal preferences and feelings. It also does not take into account the different cultural experiences and conditions that a learner and work places fall into. Some experimentation may be in complete conflict with people’s beliefs hence the result will not be a pleasant learning experience for the learner. Beside, there criticism that the idea steps to evaluating every learner’s potential are not realistic and are overly ambitious. The steps can easily be jumped or ignored. Their neat and near perfect presentation make them just simplistic. The same can be said of the relationship between learning and know ledge. Finally there is little empirical support to accompany the evaluations that Kolb suggests. To counter the limitation, Kolb suggests inclusion of a development model that will ensure the learner develops as he learns. Organizational utilization The learning institution that in this case is the place of work where the learner will be stationed, can immensely benefit from the implementation of the above model. Through the method, the learning institution will be able to select the right people with concrete experience that will easily conceptualize, reflect, and come up with unique business solutions. However, as said earlier, success of the above model depend on implementing it with other learning and development styles to ensure work experience study objectives are achieved. Conclusion A review of the programs that exists in the provision of work experiences is necessary. However it’s important if it could reflect the realities that face the working environments in the 21st century. References Guile, D Griffiths, T (2001), Learning through work experience. Journal of Education and Work, vol. 14, no. 3, pp113-131.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Impressive Expository Essay Examples for Your Inspiration Online Writing Help

Impressive Expository Essay Examples for Your Inspiration Online Writing Help An expository essay is a type of written discourse that serves the purpose of explaining, describing and providing information to the reader. What Is an Expository Essay? An expository essay is a type of written discourse that serves the purpose of explaining, describing and providing information to the reader. This is a simple expository essay definition. Expository essays can also be fairly accurately termed ‘information’ or ‘informative’ essays. 50 MOST POPULAR EXPOSITORY ESSAY TOPICS If you are looking for expository essay examples here are the best ones below. Read and enjoy! Expository Essay Example on Cultural Diversity Cultural Diversity as It Is Today, most people recognize cultural diversity and contend it as an intrinsic good. Cultural diversity can be defined as the difference among individuals as well as groups involving the place of origin, age, culture, languages and physical abilities. Moreover, factors such as gender, class, religion, professional occupation and academic knowledge can also be considered. Notably, organizations should not only pay attention to the definition of diversity in the workplace only because of its scope. Therefore, the issue of cultural diversity should be addressed from various angles to ensure that it is understood by everyone. Cultural difference can be contended as a basic component that emerges from the intercultural interaction. Therefore, cultural identity can be described as the identification for communications of a shared system of symbolic verbal behavior that are significant to the group members who have a sense of belonging as well as common traditions, heritage, language as well as similar norms of behavior. For instance, during communication, different messages ranging from eye contact to turn taking are sometimes factors that lead to intercultural conflict. Therefore, feelings such as conflict, frustration, confusion as well as embarrassment are feelings displayed during rigid cultural communication. Ethnic identity, on the other hand, is a set of self-ideas regarding one’s ethnic membership. Ethnic identity has to do with components such as self-identification, knowledge concerning ethnic culture such as traditions, customs, values as well as behaviors; moreover, ethnic identity involv es the feelings of belonging to a group. Pros and Cons of Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity has displayed extensive the complex consequences. Concerning the positive effects, it is possible for one to generate arguments about its valuable contribution to the society. Firstly, about the long-term perspective, it is evident that all the positive impacts contribute to sustainable differentiation by developing higher creativity, innovation, as well as productivity. At the same time, cultural diversity has its shortcomings. The negative effects of cultural diversity can be classified into various levels in an organization. Adverse impacts on the cognitive as well as behavioral level can be associated with individuals. While at team levels, the negative effects may manifest themselves into the problems of communication. Cultural Diversity in the USA According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2009 the American population was 80% white, 16% Hispanic 13% African-American, 5% Asian, 1% American Indian and 0.2% Native Hawaiian. It is important to note that each race contains various ethnic groups. The large numbers of the ethnic population can be credited to the significant immigrant population. Geographically, in the South as well as West, there are specific areas that have large portions of the total population that are a minority. Notably, close to half of the people in the West was a minority in 2010. California emerges as the state that contains the largest minority population at 22.3 million. Additionally, the years between 2000 and 2010, Texas joined California, the District of Columbia, Hawaii as well as New Mexico in having the largest population of the minority. Here, more than 50% of the population was part of the minority group. Additionally, the examination of racial as well as ethnic group distributions countrywide, assert that while the non-Hispanic white alone population is still the largest major race as well as an ethnic group in the United States, however, it is growing at the slowest rate. On the other hand, the Hispanic and Asian populations have grown extensively in part because of moderately higher levels of immigration. Cultural Diversity Does Matter Culture is the lens with which individuals in a society assess everything around them, therefore. Cultural diversity matters. Culture enables people to analyze what is proper or improper, what is viewed as normal or insane. Notably, when one encounters or associates himself with a culture that is not his, he may get a shock or get disoriented due to the different culture. Therefore, most individuals employ their culture as a basis to judge other cultures, thus the risk of people beginning to discriminate other’s way of life. Thus the need for cultural diversity, America as a country, workplaces as well as well as schools gradually consisting of people of various cultural, racial as well as ethnic groups (Belfield). Therefore, as a diverse society, we can learn from one another and acknowledge different perspectives within the world in which we live. Moreover, it aids in eliminating negative stereotypes as well as personal biases regarding different groups. Conclusively, any society should support cultural diversity to make it a more interesting place to stay. As people interact with one another, bridges are built of respect as well as trust. Thus understanding across cultures. Values should not be imposed open people from different cultures, and people should emulate proactive listening and accepting people with ideas that are not different from their own. Ultimately, each should support the idea that each person can make a distinct contribution to a diverse society. 6 STEPS TO WRITE A GREAT EXPOSITORY ESSAY Expository Essay Example on Communication Skills Why Do We Need Communication? Humans rely on communication to coexist and live in harmony. Without communication, it would be difficult if not impossible to have conservations. It has played a fundamental role in bonding individuals, reinforcing relationships and sustaining the society. Communication is the way through which information is conveyed from one party to the other through various forms. Communication can be achieved through different ways including word of mouth, in writing as well as through nonverbal signs. However, other than exchanging information, communicating is a skill that is vital in our lives since it controls a lot of our daily activities. It is crucial in forming relations ranging from cultural to an individual as well as making it easier for people to participate in various activities in the society. Excellent communications skills are essential for survival and make it easier for one to succeed in whatever they do in their lives. Leaders that happen to be most celebrated are believed to have mastered these skills and used them to direct, influence and motivate their followers or subordinates and this eventually always leads to achieving more fulfilling results in any endeavor.   These skills are needed in both our personal as well as our professional lives to building relations and identify opportunities, both of which are a necessity for one to succeed. The Art of Communication The art of communication requires certain skills to ensure one can effectively converse and interact with people. They can be developed and perfected with constant practice and confidence while communicating in any way or any given setting. One of the most critical skill is the ability to be a good listener since it makes it easy to interact with the audience as they seek clarification or contribute to a given agenda. Listening makes it possible for individuals to understand each other as they communicate (Communication). Another skill is ensuring that one is very clear and brief as this will make sure your audience does not lose you in the process of interacting. Nonverbal communication skills are a critical element in any communication. One should be able to maintain an approachable demeanor and avoiding body language that shows a lack of concern. Having the right attitude is also another skill that facilitates effective communication as it ensures the information is received well by the audience. A good communicator should have the ability also to accommodate what other people say and avoid being assertive and only interested in making sure you put your idea across. Hence, open-mindedness is an additional communication skill that is treasured. Being confident, maintaining eye contact and being respectful are other skills that make a good communicator. Confidence while maintaining eye contact will make individuals keen to follow the interaction while respect will make it less strenuous for others to express their opinions freely. Use of gestures when communicating ensures that the message gets through to the audience as they feel engaged during the conversation (Communication). Being able to give feedback in the process of passing information effectively is also an essential skill in communication as it makes the process more interactive and the well understood. The above communication skills are among the ten most valuable skills that guarantee effective com munication. How to Develop Communication Skills? The process of developing excellent communication skills requires one to keep on practicing constantly. One is required these skills as much as possible, perfecting them with time and eventually becoming a confident and experienced communicator. The clarity and choice of words are very vital as one develops their skills in communication (Skills). One should ensure that they understand the words they decide to use and they can clearly say these words. The words should also be appropriate depending mainly on the type of audience that one is addressing. Consistency in using these skills in the right way when communicating helps the improvement skills, and in the course interaction, one can easily notice a good versus a poor communicator (Communication). The right tone should be used depending on the message to be conveyed, friendly tones can be used for a friendly interaction but should be avoided when one is trying to send a serious message (Skills). When strictly observed the above co uld greatly help an individual to be well versed and confident when using these communication skills. In general, when one has developed their skills in communication, they tend to attract more opportunities in life. They have more connections both socially and professionally and these advantages if well used can lead to a better life. A good communicator can easily get promoted at the workplace into managerial positions since they will easily be able to pass important information to their subordinates. When one has developed their communication skills, they are better placed to seek assistance in time need or while in danger and easily get help compared to individuals who can hardly express themselves or clearly the situation. It is, therefore, important for people to focus on making their communication skills better as this skill will make life easier and bring more opportunities their way. If you are looking for an excellent expository essay that will be written according to your requirements, will contain proper formatting, language, and structure, feel free to contact our writing staff and  place your order  with us.